Batch Mode
Batch Mode allows KillDisk to be executed in fully automated mode without any user interaction. All events and errors (if any) are placed to the log file. This allows system administrators and technicians to automate erase/wipe tasks by creating scripts (*.CMD, *.BAT files) for different scenarios that can be executed later on in different environments.
To start KillDisk in batch mode just add the –bm (or -batchmode) command line parameter to the other parameters and execute KillDisk either from the command prompt or from a custom script.
Here is an example of Batch Mode execution with the wipe command:
KillDisk -wa -bm -em=16
This command will wipe all deleted data and unused clusters on all attached physical disks without any confirmations using most secure Peter Gutmann's method and control returns to the command prompt when erase completes.
If –ns (-nostop) command line parameter is specified no user interaction is possible after erase/wipe action started. So user cannot cancel the command being executed.
After command execution completed, application returns the following exit codes to the Operating System.
- 0 (Zero)
- KillDisk returns Zero when all disks erased successfully
- 1 (One)
- KillDisk returns One if errors occurred or nothing has been erased/wiped
- 2 (Two)
- KillDisk returns Two if erase/wipe has been completed, but minor warnings occurred