Create a Boot Disk
Boot Disk Creator helps you to prepare a bootable CD/DVD/BD or USB storage device that you may use to boot any PC and use KillDisk to destroy all data on the attached HDD and SSD.
To prepare a bootable disk:
Run Boot Disk Creator
Run application from the Windows Start menu on Windows platform. Boot Disk Creator wizard appears.
Register software
This is an optional step: if software hasn't been registered yet, you need to register software first. Click Registration link in the bottom-left corner.
Select bootable media
Select desired bootable media to be created: CD/DVD/Blu-ray Disc, USB Flash Drive or ISO Image File. If several media disks are inserted, open Flash Drives combo box and choose a particular device. Click Next to proceed to the next step.
Note: A USB Drive or blank CD/DVD/BD must be inserted and explicitly chosen on the first step before you can proceed further.Note: If inserted USB Flash Drive doesn't appear in drop-down list, click USB not listed: Initialize Disk link. You should be able to find removable disk in list of all attached devices and initialize it to make compatible with the application. Initialization process destroys all data on the selected USB device. -
Select target platform
Select the target platform for booting up: Windows-based Boot Disk, Linux-based LiveCD/LiveUSB or Console-based Boot Disk (text mode application). Depending on version purchased one or more target platforms are available for selection. Click Next to proceed to the next step.
Configure boot disk
Specify additional and customized boot disk options:
Configure System Boot Settings
To customize boot options click the System Boot Settings tab. You can change the default settings to be used: Time Zone, Additional Language, Display Resolution, Display Scale, Default Application Start and Auto-start Delay.
Network and Security sub-tabs allow to configure IP & Firewall settings, mapping a network resource and protecting Boot Disk with a password.
Add your files
To add your custom files to the bootable media click User’s Files tab. Add files or folders with files using the related buttons at the right side. Added items will be placed in the User_Files folder at the root of bootable media.
Add extra drivers
To add specific drivers to be loaded automatically, click Add Drivers tab. Add all files for the particular driver (*.INF, *.SYS, …). Added items will be placed in the BootDisk_Drivers folder at the root of bootable media. At boot time all *.INF files located in this folder will be installed (if compatible with a platform).
Add scripts
To add specific scripts to be launched after Boot Disk is loaded, click Add Scripts tab. Add your scripts (*.CMD files). Added files will be placed in the BootDisk_Scripts folder at the root of bootable media. At boot time all *.CMD files located in this folder will be executed (if properly created for the particular platform).
Add command line parameters
To add command line parameters for KillDisk start up, click Application Startup tab and type all parameters required (read documentation first). This tab is only enabled when KillDisk has been set up as a Default Application at Boot Disk start up.
Configure KillDisk environment
To specify paths for KillDisk Certificate Logo file (LPG/PNG/BMP), Settings file (XML), Digital Signature file (PFX) and Volume name to store Certificates/Logs/Reports, click App Config tab and enter configuration information. You can configure storing Erase Certificates and reports to a mapped network share.
Click Next to proceed to the final step.
Configure System Boot Settings
Create Boot Disk
Verify selected media, boot up environment and KillDisk configuration. Click Create button to start bootable media creation process. A progress bar appears while the media is being prepared. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
You can use prepared bootable media to boot up any 64-bit PC and erase/wipe all attached disks.