
Active@ Boot Disk

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How to... for KillDisk

How to customize Certificate with Company Logo?

Note: To customize Boot Disk image file you need basic skills in Command Line Scripts writing.

To customize Active@ KillDisk Boot Disk WinPE image, for example to change a default Erase Method and add a Company Logo:

  1. Create custom KILLDISK.INI file using documented parameters (Application Settings)

    Here is an example of an INI file which uses US DoD 5220.22-M (ECE) erase method with 10% verification, stores logs, reports and certificates to X:\\ location (X: virtual drive is the only known drive with guaranteed letter when boot disks starts), specifies Company Name and Logo Image file:


    Download example

  2. Create KillDisk start up script which uses Command Line parameters

    Here is an example of an CMD file which enumerates all drive letters, searches KILLDISK.INI file in User_Files folder, defines Drive Letter where Settings and Logo stored, copies Company Logo image file to known location and starts KillDisk with custom KILLDISK.INI file:

    FOR %%i IN (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO (IF EXIST %%i:\user_files\KILLDISK.INI ( SET CDROM=%%i:&& GOTO END ))
    copy %CDROM%\user_files\MyCompanyLogo.png X:\
    KillDisk.exe -ip="%CDROM%\user_files" 

    Download zipped example

  3. Start Active@ Boot Disk Creator configure Boot Disk start up settings
    • Start Active@ Boot Disk Creator
      Click Windows Start menu and launch Active@ Boot Disk Creator from KillDisk folder
    • Select a Target
      Select a media for Boot Disk to be created on (CD/DVD/BD ROM, ISO image or USB drive) and click Next
    • Select Windows-based Boot Disk
      Make sure Windows-based Boot Disk check box is selected on a Target tab
    • Disable default application auto-start
      Switch to System Boot Settings tab and select OFF in Default Application Start option
    • Add custom KILLDISK.INI file and Company Logo to User_Files folder
      Switch to User's Files tab and click Add File(s) button to add your custom settings file KILLDISK.INI and Company Logo Image file (JPG, PNG, BMP formats). After files being added, application should look like:
    • Add custom KillDisk start script to Startup Scripts
      Switch to Startup Scripts tab and click Add File(s) button to add your custom script (CMD file) where you launch KillDisk with custom Command Line parameters. After file being added, application should look like:
      Click Next button to complete Boot Disk creation
    • Finalize Boot Disk creation
      Click Create button to burn CD/DVD/BD, or store Boot Disk to ISO file, or write Boot Disk to USB disk, depending on Target option selected on the first step

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USER'S GUIDE (Console)
Size: 683 KB

KillDisk Datasheet
Size: 2,44 MB

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