
Hard Disk Eraser Partners Program

How to erase hard drive? Windows7 logo   How to erase hard drive? Intel logo

The LSoft Technologies Partner's Program

LSoft Technologies Inc. is looking for Partners from all around the world to resell its products. Upon joining the OEM partner's program, you will have the ability to combine our products with your own software applications or hardware solutions.

Benefits for Software Resellers


We offer our partners discounts from 15% to 50% off list price. Special discounts are available for educational institutions.

Online Access

Access to an online Partner's page is provided to place orders quickly. Available 24/7.


Our Customers - thousands businesses use KillDisk solutions:

3M  compucom  IBM  Nestle  futjitsu  Philip Moris  ToysRUs  British Petroleum   PWC  RU Radford University logo  Gouverment of Canada  OMH  logo  Brunei logo  Hevitt logo  Airbus logo  PPD logo  Harvard Pilgrim Health Center logo  HCA logo  Telindus logo  Midwest  logo  Thompson Reuters logo  Gelre logo  Holcim logo  KCAH logo  Laurentian bank logo  US.Smokeless logo 
USG logo  NESTLE Purina logo  PAETEC logo  PENNSTATE Berks  Retail Technologie Group  Segwick logo  SFUSD logo  Gen-i logo  Erasmus logo  Canadian National Railway logo  Capital Group logo  Xto energy logo 
Defensie logo  ...  County of San Mateo  Florida ustis logo  California logo  MDE logo  Apto Solutions logo  Aventis logo  Bennet Jones logo  JTI logo  Lilly logo  logo  ORICA  logo  SPECTRA logo  Zenith logo  WW logo  Value Options logo  university logo  Aventis logo  Capgemini logo  Vanguard  WorldBank  Xchange logo  Alphawest logo  eads  Toyota  SCANIA logo  Bank of Choise logo  Megasoft logo  Diplomat  logo  Desjardins  Duke Energy logo  KPMG  Sun Life Financial  Trinity Mirror  BCG logo  BMT logo  Unisys 
For becoming a partner and signing up,
please contact us at:

(877) 403-8082; (905) 812-8434; (647) 795-2904 FAX

Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm EST

7177 Danton Promenade
Mississauga, Ontario
L5N 5P3 Canada

Active@ KillDisk Customizations

Our customization service allows you to request additional functions and features which we would be able to built-in to the product. Such features can include anything from:

  • Customization to the boot menu
  • Custom erase methods
  • Include your logo in erasure logs/certificates
  • Customized erasure reports for additional fields/attributes as required
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