
Autoexecute Mode

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5.3.3 Autoexecute Mode

You may start Active@ KillDisk for Hard Drives with a DOS auto-executable batch file. The command line contains the command to execute the program along with chosen parameters.

To run Active@ KillDisk from an auto-executable batch file:

  1. In the Microsoft DOS screen, open a new autoexec.bat file or edit an existing one with the following command:

    A:\>edit autoexec.bat

    The Microsoft DOS file edit screen appears.
  2. Enter the command line and parameters as needed.

    Here is an example: > killdisk -erasehdd=80h -erasemethod=6 -passes=1 -ignoreerrors

    In the example above, the first detected hard disk will be erased in one pass. Confirmations will be encountered and errors will be ignored.
  3. Save the autoexec.bat file in the root directory of the system floppy, USB and exit the edit utility.
  4. Remove the floppy, USB from this floppy, USB drive.
  5. The floppy, USB is now ready for automatic data erasing. To erase data using Autoexecute Mode, follow these steps:
    1. Go to the machine that requires data erasing
    2. With the PC power off, insert the Active@ KillDisk for Hard Drives Automatic Mode floppy (USB) into drive A:
    3. Start the PC by turning on the power.
    4. The PC will indicate booting into DOS. The data erase process will begin.
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