
Hard Disk Eraser Guide

How to erase hard drive? Windows7 logo   How to erase hard drive? Intel logo

Guide Contents:

  1. Product Overview
    1. Erasing Confidential Data
      1. Advanced Data Recovery Systems
      2. International Standards in Data Removal
    2. Wiping Confidential Data from Unoccupied Drive Space
      1. Wiping NTFS
      2. Wipe FAT
      3. Wipe HFS+
      4. Wiping Ext2fs/Ext3fs/Ext4fs
    3. Professional Version Features
  2. System Requirements:
    1. for DOS
    2. for Windows
    3. for Linux
    4. for Linux(Console)
  3. Running Active@ KillDisk (Graphical User Interface)
    1. Active@ Boot Disk Creator
    2. Modes of Operation
      1. Interactive Mode
      2. Erase Data from a Device
      3. Wipe Data from a Device
    3. Command Line and Batch Mode
      1. Command Line
      2. Batch Mode
    4. Erasing or Wiping Logical Drives (Partitions)
    5. Erase Data from a Logical Drive
    6. Wipe Data from a Logical Drive
    7. Erase or Wipe Operation Complete Information
  4. Running Active@ KillDisk for Linux (Console User Interface)
    1. Bootable Disk Creation
    2. Interactive, Command Line and Batch Modes
    3. Erase/Wipe Data from a Device
  5. Running Active@ KillDisk for DOS
    1. Preparing a DOS-Bootable USB / floppy
      1. System Formatting
      2. Copying Active@ KillDisk to a USB / floppy
      3. One-Step Method
    2. Preparing a Bootable CD
    3. Modes of Operation
      1. Interactive Mode
        1. Erase Data from a Device
        2. Wiping the Data
      2. DOS Command Line Mode
      3. Autoexecute Mode
    4. Erasing or Wiping Logical Drives (Partitions)
    5. Erase Operation Complete
  6. Common Questions
    1. How does the licensing work?
    2. How is the data erased?
    3. What is the difference between the Site and Enterprise license?
    4. Which operating systems are supported by Active@ KillDisk?
    5. Is Active@ KillDisk compatible with Macintosh computers?
    6. What to do if I cannot boot from a floppy (USB)?
    7. Will I be able to use my Hard Disk Drive after Active@ KillDisk erase operation?
  7. Descriptions of Erase/Wipe Parameters
    1. Erase/Wipe Methods
      1. One Pass Zeros
      2. One Pass Random
      3. User Defined
      4. US DoD 5220.22-M
      5. US Department of Energy M205.1-2
      6. US Army AR380-19
      7. US Air Force 5020
      8. German VSITR
      9. Russian GOST p50739-95
      10. Canadian OPS-II
      11. British HMG IS5 (Baseline/Enhanced)
      12. Navso P-5329-26 (RL/MFM)
      13. NCSC-TG-025
      14. NIST 800-88 compliant
      15. Bruce Schneier
      16. Peter Gutmann
      17. NSA 130-2
      18. NIST 800-88 1 standard
      19. NIST 800-88 2 standard
      20. NIST 800-88 3 standard
    2. Other Parameters
      1. Read/Write Retry Attempts
      2. Ignore Disk Write Errors (bad sectors)
      3. Clear Log File before Start
      4. Skip Disk Erase Confirmation
      5. Save Log & Shutdown PC after completion
      6. Event Logging
      7. Application Style
      8. Include Logo/Technician info into Certificate
      9. Send e-mail Notification
      10. Certificate and Log File Settings
      11. Logo and Technician Info Settings
      12. SMTP Settings
      13. Erase/Wipe Options
      14. General Settings
  8. Glossary of Terms

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USER'S GUIDE (Console)
Size: 683 KB

KillDisk Datasheet
Size: 2,44 MB

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